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Python and Microsoft Access Files

— Don Parakin — python

Here’s how I used Python to read and update data in a Microsoft Access file.


Unobtrusive Monetization - Part 1

— Don Parakin — blogging

For gits and shiggles, I thought I would experiment by adding some unobtrusive monetization to this blog. In Part 1, I describe what I added. In Part 2, some months from now, I’ll describe the results.


Python Launcher For The Win(dows)

— Don Parakin — python

Running Python on Windows? Here’s how to use Python Launcher for Windows to run multiple Python versions installed on one Windows machine. And create virtual environments too.


Font Awesome vs Material Icons

— Don Parakin — coding

Thank you Font Awesome for many years of free awesome icons. I would still use and even pay for you again. But for websites that don’t need all of your awesomeness, and that’s many websites, Material Icons is now my choice for icons.


Config Files: INI, XML, JSON, YAML, TOML

— Don Parakin — coding

Working with Hugo lately has me thinking about configuration file formats. Formats such as INI, XML, JSON, YAML, TOML. Here’s some thoughts on which one to pick.


Hello World

— Don Parakin — blogging

Welcome to the re- re- re-launch of my blog.